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Perfect Your Process

Expert resources for manufacturers to examine their own processes so they can achieve more.

2 min read

Back to the Basics of Mixers: Power Supply

At Mixer Direct, we sell two basic kinds of motors. The first motor is powered by alternating current electricity. The second kind is powered by compressed air. These two motor types are the most common used across the liquid processing industry.

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1 min read

Mixer Basics: Flow Patterns

Three basic flow patterns exist in industrial mixing: rotational flow, an axial flow, or a radial flow.

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Understanding Mixer Basics: The Motor

When we talk about mixer motors, it is easy to think "bigger horsepower = better mixing." However, that's not always true, especially if you're not...

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Back to the Basics of Mixers: Flow & Shear

You’ve decided you need to upgrade to an industrial mixer. That's great, but where to start? You have impellers, shafts, motors, and mounts to...

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drum lid mixer on mixer stand

2 min read

Understanding Industrial Mixer Mounts & Stands

Once you have your impeller, motor, and shaft you’ll need to mount the mixer to the container or set up a stand where you can lower the mixer in and...

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2 min read

Building a Mixing System: Tank to Impeller Ratios

If you are building a mixing system, one of the first things to consider is the size of the tank compared to the size of the impeller. We look at the...

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1 min read

How Can a Mixer Shaft Make Your Mix?

A mixer shaft is simply the piece of material that connects the motor to the impeller. The shaft can vary by diameter, length, and material. The...

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2 min read

Essential Ingredients for a Better Mixing Process

Your process has plenty of moving parts. Between optimizing the composition of your output, calculating power requirements, recycling cooling water,...

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Commonly Used Mixer Terminology

As you start looking at all your options for industrial mixers, you could run into some terminology that may be unfamiliar. Or, in some cases, you...

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1 min read

Keeping Up with Weekly Mixer Maintenance

Regular Weekly Maintenance on your Mixers To prevent erosion and to preserve the integrity of a mixer, qualified personnel will need to conduct...

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